A harmadik út

Vámbéry nyomában

4th May - 25th August 2013.

14 countries, 7700km

2 wheels

Halfway in the Turkmen paradise

The late president of Turkmenistan, Niyazov, got to power during the Communist era. After the fall of the Soviet Union he continued to lead the country. It is unbelievable what personal cult he build for himself. He was self elected Father of all Turkmen, and he demanded to be addressed as Turkmenbashy. His golden statues and portraits are all over the country. But ones in an interview he said:  “Personally I do mind, that my portraits and statues on the streets. But this is what the people want.”

During his presidentship he also wrote a book with the title Ruhnama, which means The Book of the Soul. It contains a combination of spiritual guidance for his people and his thoughts about the Turkmen history. Ruhnama had to be acknowledged on the same level as the Quran, it was taught as basic knowledge in schools. Office clerks had to pass an exam to show their knowledge of the book, but it was also part of getting a driving licence. The Turkmenbashy ordered the closure of all the libraries, except of the Capitol, as (according him) the Turkmen don’t need any other books besides the Quran and the Ruhnama. He declared that he personally pleads to Allah, and achieved to get everyone directly into Heavens who will read The Book of the Soul three times.

Dear reader, I have great news! I managed to get a little reward for the readers of the cyclist dervish by Allah! All who will read my book three times is guaranteed to get halfway to Heavens. All those who will buy my next book about the current expedition (Title: A harmadik út) till Christmas is definitely-hyper-super-guaranteed to get entrance to Heavens. In case someone might not get into Heaven, all the complaint will be sorted out in the seventh pit in Hell :)