A harmadik út

Vámbéry nyomában

4th May - 25th August 2013.

14 countries, 7700km

2 wheels

Trough Hungary in the company of my cyclist friends


On the second morning of the expedition we thanked the priest of Kemence and cycled our way through the Börzsöny and the hills of Cserhát. It was a mountainous terrain; we had our share of many up and down hills. The weather was more like summer, but as it was still the beginning of May and we were surrounded by a vividly green landscape.

Our happy little group swiftly moved through the kilometres without any trouble.
It was late afternoon when we visited the Buddhist centre next to the town Tar. Afterwards we reached our destination, Szentkút, trough a camp of gipsies. From the saddles of our bikes we experienced how the gipsies lived they social life just on the streets we cycled trough.
At Szentkút we managed to get a simple stay which is usually used as a shelter for pilgrims; so we did not had to use our tents this time either.

The next day we get around the Mátra mountains and arrived at Eger. It was in Eger where, at the first time during the expedition, we got hit by a storm. As Kamil could have stayed with us only till the next morning, he decided turn back here and not to cycle in the rain, so we parted here. The rest of us waited for the storm to pass and from Eger we had from drizzling to pouring rain till Mezőkövesd. As we left the hills behind, from the next day on, we were cycling on a flat terrain, and we also got tailwind to help us move forward.

The next night we spent on a very interesting spot; at Kiskálló on the Ínségdomb (Hunger Hill). It is an artificial 12m tall hill in the middle of the flatland, with a small lookout tower on the top. According the tale, it was hand made by the poor locals in 1780, during the famine, because the landlord asked for it in return for the grain he gave them.

We parted with our friend Tibi in the morning of the fifth day here, at Kiskálló. Now there were only three of us left to go to Romania. The roads were mostly dumpy and with a lot of traffic.
On the last day in Hungary we experienced a heatstroke of 30-31 degrees and we had to overcome a strong headwind till we arrived in Szatmárnémeti (Satu Mare). From this point on we were guided by my friend Zsolti Berkeszi, who arranged everything beforehand for our arrival.